Thursday, November 21, 2013

Work Too Much?????

I have been hearing this a lot therefore I decided to tackle this topic because to be honest it really makes no sense to me at all….
I don’t seem to understand it when women say “I cheated because he’s always at work, he works to much.”
Now don’t get me wrong I know there should be a balance between work and family but at the same time with the rising cost of everything, is there really a such thing as “working to much”? How can you say they don’t have time to take care of home when if they weren’t working then there couldn’t be a home to take care of. How can you say they work too much and that’s why you cheated when we know if they didn’t work at all or have anything to bring in you would use that as an excuse for cheating also. We know if he couldn’t help at home he would be all types of no good, good for nothing so & so and any other derogatory names you and your “friends” can come up with, you would start playing No Scrubs by TLC while you and your “friends” danced around the living room or the home his hard earned money is paying for. You would dance around playing music on a computer or radio that is using electricity that he is working hard to pay for. You would tell him once again “If you were taking care of home I wouldn’t of cheated”, which takes us right back to where we started how can he take care of home when there is no home to take care of.

Bottom Line: You can’t have it both ways either you want a man that will be a man and do what real men, which is work and take care of their families the best they can, or you want a boy to play house with because your son is not old enough to play and do the things you need or want done. Now that only leaves you with two choices, let the man work & you be faithful & stop complaining or you get your butt out there, get a job, let him sit home and you pay all the bills then tell me how tired you are at the end of the day and you get home and he wants this and that and everything else he feels he deserves by being your mate.
You don’t have to go out and cheat and use the excuse “He works to much” if you really feel that way then sit down talk to him about how you’re feeling and if you can’t come to a happy medium then maybe you need to find a man, my bad a boy that don’t want to work!


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Cutting People Out

Life is to short to spend with people who suck the happiness out of you. When you have to start compromising yourself and what you belief in order for others to be happy then it's time for you to make some major cuts in your life and those you have in it.  Cutting people out your life is not always because you hate them it's because you have to respect yourself a little bit more and not continue to settle for whatever is thrown your way. Don't feel because you've been "down" with someone from day one it's meant for you to continue the friendship or relationship some of those "ships" are the very reason you're still stranded, you fail to take notice of all the holes in it. Some people consider themselves so loyal that they don't see their so called "loyalty" is really hindering, hurting and holding them back from meaningful progress. You have to understand that those so called friends are only your friend because they see you as being in the same situation they're in or they consider you to be worse off than they are therefore it makes them feel good about themselves. You have to be able to recognize the negativity in your life and be willing to get rid of it if you ever plan on getting farther than where you are at in life, you have to understand that not everyone wants good for you. You have to recognize your own worth and stop valuing yourself based off what other have to say about you. You have to be strong enough to let people go and yet in still be patient enough to wait on the right people to enter into your life. Stop allowing old soul ties to keep you in bondage and leaving you stuck, make up your mind that you deserve happiness, tell yourself you deserve better and then seek better. Cutting people off may not seem good in the beginning but it's the end where it all matters. If we all take this mindset we will see our lives would be more stress free. Get off that sinking ship and get back to dry land!!

More people, More problems, lessen your problems by lessening the people around you.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Titles & Relationships


 I have encountered the problem myself a time or two but it seems as though I was on the other end, I didn't and still don't see a reason for having to let everyone know your relationships status. At one point I can say I wanted to put it out there but he was against for whatever reason so I agreed to it, even though I changed my status on FB for a long time it didn't say with who it just said I was in a relationship. Then when he felt he was comfortable with everything or better yet when he saw guys popping up on my page left and right he wanted to change it so it said we were in a relationship with each other. To be honest I didn't have a problem with it and it only bothered me because he was doing it for all the wrong reasons. He was doing it because he felt it would keep guys from commenting on my pictures and or in-boxing me in Facebook, needless to say he was very wrong and after the change I got more messages in my message box and like more than ever.
See to me having a "title" in a relationship is all about status and claiming, but not just any status it makes you feel as though you have an "official" status one that is meant to bring equalization to your relationship that maybe you feel the last one didn't have. As if you're trying to surpass the previous status of you all's last relationship who you feel may have held a bigger and more prominent title than you are currently holding. You feel it's a status that needs to be acknowledge by your mate, friends and or outsiders to make your relationship look official. 
See often times I tend to ask "Why Do People Need Titles" and I have came up with many reasons. Some people need validation, some people are insecure and feel better if others know their mate is with them. Some people think it tells them where they fit it and or stand with the other person, as if it may tell others what to think or expect from their relationship. They feel it will give the a sense of ownership and that in obtaining that title they have the right to have certain expectations and will know what their responsibilities in the relationship are.
People need to understand that if you're in a good and healthy relationships that you both understand then you all don't need to be fussing over spoken or unspoken status. I feel that you shouldn't need to validate your relationship just for others to feel good or know your business. Now I'm going to be honest I feel the only relationship that should hold a title and be acknowledge is "MARRIAGE". I mean if you're "boyfriend" "girlfriend" then fine no problems with that just know that putting your status out there and it not saying "married" then people still see the others are fair game, but it's up to your mate to check that person and tell you about it.
Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong if you want to put out there that you're in a relationship, just know when doing so it attracts more people to you then not saying you're in a relationship. See you need to understand that "NO BODY WANTS SOMEBODY THAT NO ONE ELSE WANTS", and with making your relationship public it will draw more people to you and or your mate. Trust me I've seen it happen to many times. People want what they think others have, plain and simple.

I can honestly say that I believe this!!




Thursday, July 4, 2013

How Much Can You Endure....

As we all know there is no such thing as a perfect relationship and if anyone say there is they are lying. A relationship can be all that you make it out to be but the main question is "How Much Can You Endure" meaning how much are you willing to take and how long are you willing to stand by your mate through adversities. The same way relationships are different so are the people that are in them. You see one person may can handle way more than the other but at the same time hold it in better than the other person. Regardless of what is going on everyone has their breaking point at some point or another and they just feel like throwing in the towel, giving up and just walking away from it all. Some people tend to stay because they feel the time they have put it is far more important than walking away and actually being happy, where as others stay because they simple don't want to have to start over so comfort is far better than reality. Then you have those who stay out of guilt because they don't want to hurt the other person with fear of the backlash that it may cause.
Either way it all boils down to "how much can you endure"? One thing I do know is that you should never stay with someone out of guilt because in the end it will do more harm than good, see if the other person found out they may hurt you or themselves and or you could end up living a very lonely and unfulfilled life. Staying with someone out of guilt or pity is never the route to take no matter what the situation is or was. Now if you truly love and you're truly in love with someone then you can and will endure all just to be with that person because only you know if the sacrifices are worth it. But if you truly know in your heart of hearts that you're no longer happy and you can no longer hold on and your ready to let go, and move on then you should really share that with the other person, no need in letting them think other wise and no need in keeping them tied to you when you are no longer tied to them.
Just like anything in life if you can endure the bad and rocky times in your relationship then you will surely enjoy the gain at the end, if you can just hold out. But once again if you truly know in your heart of hearts you're no longer happy and you don't want to be there anymore then getting out will only be the fair thing to do.
Endure the pain, Enjoy the gain.
Yes I know it sounds easy to some and hard to others but if everything worth having came to us so easily then they really wouldn't be worth having now would they..
So no matter what the situation may be just ask yourself "How Much Can I Endure?"
They say LOVE endures all, how true is that?

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words....

We all have heard the saying "Actions speak louder than words" well after careful consideration and after dealing with certain things and being put in certain situations I have come to challenge this age old saying, because if a person is listening to you their actions will mimic exactly what you want at that time, so does that really mean their heart is in it.

I feel that words have more power than you care to believe they have, see to me someone can do whatever it is they have heard you say you want or need done and it not really mean much for the simple fact that they are just going through the motions of what they know you expect and therefore they are going to do what you want or need them to do in order to get what they want and or need from you. To me if I sit and talk to a person I can gauge their feelings and true intentions through their words and words have a better chance at piercing my heart than their actions. Don't get me wrong I like to receive certain tokens of love and affection, things like "just because" flowers and cards. But to me most of the time actions are just a person going through the motions to fulfill the desire, want or need you have at the present moment or near future for their benefit of getting or obtaining something from you in the process. Understand this I can go out and buy whatever it is I think will make you happy, simply because I have sat and listened to the "words" you have spoken and since I now know that will please you I feel that if I go purchase that item I stand a better chance of getting whatever it is I want from you. See I don't just want a person doing this and doing that because you feel it's what I want and you're thinking about yourself in the process. Sit and talk to me and let me look into your soul through your eyes and hear the words that you speak that way I can tell if you're being honest and truthful with me. I don't want to have my judgment of you cloudy by the things that you do for me, let my mind and heart be cloudy by the truth that you speak into my heart and soul. You may can go out and buy me anything I want in the world but none of that will mean a thing to me if you can't speak the truth to me. See at the end of the day when you are getting to know someone or even after you feel you know them all you have is their word and I truly feel your word should be your bond and if you can't take a person at their word then their actions are fruitless. Yes I know people can tell lies but understand that actions lie and speak louder than words when you find out the action was a lie. Having someone go through the motions of "pleasing" you only to get to you or something from you. When all you should have done in the beginning was sit down and have a good face to face talk with them so you could look into their eyes and truly hear their words.

So once again I have to ask that question: Do actions really speak louder than words?


Monday, June 24, 2013

Just because you did don't mean they will

We all have heard that you are not suppose to think about or speak about the things you do for others and even though I am a believer in not speaking about or talking about it to others you can’t help but to think about those things especially when you are going through troubles, trials, tribulations and hard times. See I don’t focus on what I did or how much I gave I only wonder why no one seems to remember those things you do for them when you need some type of help. I have been known to allow people to keep my cars while I stay home just so they could get back and forth to work and anywhere else they may need to go. I have been known to get up out my bed all times of the morning and night just to make sure that someone was at work on time at the doctor on time or anything else they had to do. I have been known to give my last or risk having my own utilities shut off just to make sure someone else wouldn’t have theirs shut off. I have been known to take care of kids when others didn’t want to be bothered with their own kid/kids. I have heard many excuses but my favorite one is always you live to far, the funny thing about that is more than likely I was living in the same place or even farther when you asked for my help and I didn’t hesitate one bit. I didn’t make you come to me to get what you needed I brought it to you, I didn’t say you need to find another way I got up and came to you no questions asked, no if’s and’s and but’s either.
You see I have always been known to be the strong one but people fail to understand that there comes a time when even the strong gets weak from being strong. I know the Lord will not put more on me then I can bare but you see people are not like God, they will continue to pile on and not even thinking about you or your needs. You see I was once asked a question during an interview and they asked me to name my biggest strength and weakness and when I informed them that my strength and weakness were the same they asked how. You see my biggest strength is the compassion I have for others, by putting their needs before my own and my biggest weakness is also the compassion I have for others because they see what you do and they tend to take advantage of it and or take you for granted. Once I explained it to them they understood exactly where I was coming from but I’m amazed at how many don’t seem to understand that your biggest strength can also be your biggest weakness. To be honest I can say that these last few months have really showed and taught me a lot, it made me take my blinders off and face reality. I have never had a problem with helping anyone but now I know who I can help that will truly appreciate it and who won’t take my kindness as a weakness or for granted. I have learned that you can’t always be strong and that it is OK to cry sometimes. I have learned that tough times don’t last always and if I can just hold on until the end of the storm I will see brighter days and sunshine. I have learned that a lot of my sorrow and tears were caused by me because I allowed certain people to get over on me. I have learned that no matter how much you may help someone they will still stab you in your back. The saying is you get out what you put in and that is true but the thing about that is don’t expect it to always come back from those that you once helped. There are time when we have to say lesson learned and move on because you can’t make someone help you back just for you helping them, life is funny like that.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Mother Yes....Father No....

Now with Father's Day being two days away I decided to tackle this topic.
Now I'm sure this will ruffle some feathers but the only thing I can say right now is "OH WELL",
see I can write about this and say this because this use to be me until a few years ago.
For years single mothers have felt a need to have both Mother's Day and Father's Day, like I said at one point I was in that same boat but really realized a few years ago I needed to get out and get on the sideline so all the "REAL" dads could enjoy their day; I mean once you think about it they have earned it.
You see whether the father is around or not I am still just MOM, I was not born with a penis between my legs nor do I have the desire to be a man so why should I celebrate a mans holiday. Why should I insert myself into a day that was set aside just for them when they didn't insert themselves in a day that was designated just for me. As women we need to understand and realize that we can't be mom and dad, we can be mom and mom only. Yes you may be there twenty four seven with no help from the sperm donor but at the same time you can't be what you are not and that is a man. The only thing you can do is be the best mom you know how to be and not try to be the man. We all have heard the saying a woman can't raise a man, well that may be true to a certain extent, I raised a fine young man but I have to admit he had wonderful male role models in his life along the way and to be truthful I didn't do it by myself.
I understand that some women have been made bitter and angry because they have to do the job by themselves but at the same time it doesn't make you the mother and the father because you didn't make them by yourselves, there was a man involved in the situation at some point in time. Yes some of us have the right to be angry but if most of us sat down and thought about the situation we would realize we put ourselves in the "single" parent realm. We knew if it was just suppose to be a booty call, we knew that the guy wasn't father or mate material and some even knew he had a "main" lady but you figured having a baby would keep him around. Now how wrong was that thought?
Also ladies it's like this if you have a man that wants to be a part of their kid/kids life please don't stop them simply because things didn't work out between y'all. You see in the end the only one that is getting hurt and suffering is the child, not the man and I'm sure not you. Stop bashing the man in front of the child and let the child grow up to see things for themselves. You never know what the man might be willing to do if you just put your hurt and anger to the side and let him in the kid/kids life. They may just surprise you!
Bottom Line for me is this:
Do you, be the best mom you know how to be and come Sunday, June 16, 2013 salute all the real DADS that you know and give them the praise they deserve because that day is set aside just for them the same way Mother's Day is set aside just for us.




Sunday, May 19, 2013

Their Lost, They Faild

Often times as we go through life we have more than our fair share of failed relationships and when those relationships end we try to figure out what we did wrong. It has always amazed me at how we tend to place the blame on ourselves at first and never taking the time to really look back into the relationship. I'm sure if most of us did that we would finally realized that it wasn't us all the time, we will realize that at some point the attraction left but that person was not strong enough to tell us. At that point we have to face facts and realize that it's their lost and not ours we have to realized that they failed and not us.
Often times we have to tell ourselves certain things and realize that although we find ourselves still loving and caring for that person, still missing, wanting and longing for that person to be near we have to know they are not deserving of any of those things. They have to know they are no longer deserving of your heart, your love, your time or your thoughts, all because they failed to look on the inside of you to see that you've grown matured and you're becoming a mighty person of God. They failed to appreciate your worth as the person you're becoming, they failed to recognize the greatness inside of you because they chose to look at your situation instead of looking at where you are going. They failed to realize that you could be the very one to help them get to where they need to be, they failed to hear your cries and listen to your heart telling them all the things. They failed to hold tight to the blessings that was put right in front of them, so they let go not knowing or maybe even caring of the hurt you may feel. They may not see or feel it now but trust me eventually they will, they may say oh I'm better off and put up a front for friends and others but when they are by themselves they feel the emptiness of you not being there. They failed to see that all the things they prayed for in a mate were in you but they looked past all that and still focused on your current situation. They failed to understand you would stand by them no matter what problems arose, and they were placed there in your life to help not hinder you. They may think on things that you use to do but they must understand that people grow and mature they move past those things in their past and they should try doing that also. They never notice or see that you had your love on hold for them but they will notice when you press play and say you're through. You're through with waiting, wanting, wishing for them because you know it's a person out there to cherish you just as you are. They failed to see or recognize that no one is perfect not even themselves, even though they may disagree.  
You see they have to understand that not all good things have to come to an end but the situation with them was not for you or too you therefore you did what you had to do. No matter what they may think or try to say all you have to do is just let them know simply:

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Tribute Pt. 14 Finale

This is the finale to my tributes, understand that if I forgot someone please charge it to my head and not my heart. Even though today has been designated as "Mother' Day" we know that everyday we wake up is Mother's Day.
I pray nothing but the best for all mothers out there doing it solo and those that have help.
We know there is nothing greater than the love of a Mom!
Whose is the heart that bursts with pride each times she sees your face
Whose are the eyes that dart about, to check and make sure you're world is safe
Whose are the arms that wrap around you and hold you tight and close
Whose is the love that always there whenever you need it most
Whose is the smile that lights the room when you are smiling too
Whose shoulder is the best place to be when only a cuddle will do
Whose chest is warm and comforting when you're a weary soul
Whose motivation only has your happiness as her goal
Whose are the tears that cry for you as you grow old and free
Whose is the heart that aches so much, in the space where you should be
Whose is the head that knows you must find your path alone
Whose is the voice who welcomes you each time you come back home
Who could have so many facets that makes her oh so good
Who has her mind on you each day and today we celebrate
Who hand holds and guides you in a way unlike no other
All these things and more are part and parcels of the joy of being a mother.


Mother's Day Tribute Pt. 13 Keesha Smith




There are so many wonderful things I could say about this person. She has had my back through the good times as well as the bad times. When I needed somewhere to go she didn't hesitate to open her door for me and my kids. We may not talk as often as we use too but we both know we have our own separate busy lives, but we are there for each other when need be, there is nothing in the world I wouldn't do for her. She understand that I'm a little mentally challenged in the head, and even though she has attempted to get me help I have refused them all. LOL... She accept me as I am! No matter how many weddings I may plan or talk to her about she is still right there front and center. If I could go back and change anything I would make her my sister instead of my best friend.
But I know no matter what, no way the wind blows we will forever be here for one another.
So it is only fair that I send this tribute to none other than my very best friend of over 25+ plus years..
You've seen me laugh
You've seen me cry
and always you were there with me
right by my side.
I may not have always said then
But thanks and I will always love you until the end....
God made you a wonderful mother
A mother who never grows old
He made your smile of the sunshine
and He molded your heart of pure gold
In your eyes he placed bright shining stars
In your cheeks fair roses you'll see
God made you a wonderful mother
and I'm so grateful He made you a dear friend to me.
Mekeesha, T'Keyah, Tay, Ashley, Asha, Brandon, Angel, Kayla

Mother's Day Tribute Pt. 12 Hattie Mae Burth & Alonna McCrary

I honestly don't know where to begin with this tribute, you see this one is near and dear to my heart and tugs at all my emotions. These two women touched my life in their own special way and in them doing so is what makes it hard. No one every understand the relationship two people have and no one ever knows how their leaving Earth makes one feel. Although one help mold and shape me into the beautiful and successful woman I am today, the other one showed me that no matter what was said or thrown your way you can still come out on top and be a winner. Even though I feel both of their lives were to short here with us I know that their work here was done and they could do no more. One of them I cared for when she couldn't care for herself, homeschooling for a short while so someone could be home with her all day and allow the nurses to come. I sat, watched and listened to all they had to say and it was at that point I decided I wanted to help the sick and elderly in every special way, it was at that point when I decided I wanted to become a CNA because I wanted to be a source of comfort for those that were forgotten by their love ones. I wanted to take care of them for they had taken care of plenty. The other one we all feel her time was cut way too short and for reasons unknown to any of us she had to leave. There were times she made me mad but there were many more times when I was proud to hear and see some of the things she was doing. She was a wonderful, kind and loving young mother and she knew she had to work hard to take care of her babies. If she was your friend she had your back to the end, and if she didn't mess with you, you knew for she never sugarcoated anything.
With all that being said this tribute goes to two special women that were part of my life....
While I honor my mother
with words of love and praise
While I tell about her goodness
and her kind and loving ways
I want to also Thank my Grandmother
she was a mother too you see
For she mothered by dear mother
and was even a better mother to me.
Words cannot express the love I still have for her
so glad I was able to show her my love was pure.
I cried when she passed away
and sometimes I still cry today
Although I loved her dearly
I couldn't make her stay
A golden heart stop beating
hard working hands went to rest
God broke my heart to prove to me
He only takes the best!!
Mrs. Hattie Mae Burth

I thought about you with love today
but that is nothing new
 I thought about you yesterday
and the days before that too
I think of you in silence
and often speak your name
All I have are memories
with your picture in a frame
Your memory is my keepsake
with which I will never part
God has you in his keeping
I have you in my heart.
 Alonna McCrary

 They say there is a reason
They say time will heal
I say neither time nor reason will change the way I feel
Gone are the days you both were here
But I know in my heart
you'll always be there
The gates of memories will never close
Both of you are missed more than anybody knows
I love & miss you both in a very special way
& with  that let me just say........

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day Tribute Pt. 11

This tribute goes to a beautiful first time MOM. Someone that is strong in her own special way, someone that is sweet as pie until you get her upset then you will feel her wrath. This young lady despite what kind of hand she was dealt in her life she was able to turn it around in her favor. She's a very bright and lovely young lady, and she defied all the odds that were against her graduated and is now attending college. I have so much love for her in my heart and there is nothing I won't do for her if I'm able. I am so grateful that I have been allowed to be a part of her from the time she was in her mother's womb. If she's your friend then she's your friend and you are blessed to have her in your life. She keeps to herself and don't bother with petty mess. She is not only beautiful on the outside but on the inside as well. This tribute goes to no other than my sweet baby.........

Your eyes were bright and sparking
Your cheeks had a special glow
Your belly was being touched and rubbed
by people you didn't even know
You were craving weird and exotic foods
and calories didn't matter
You can't forget when those little elbows were in your bladder
You were getting medical advice from everyone you see
Let me say this
Welcome to the joyous days where your I's have became We.
New mom
New fun
So blessed
This one
Long nights
Short days
But would you ever go back, I say NO WAY!!
Zoe couldn't have asked for a better Mom
I love you Sweetie
Tiatianna & Zoe

Mother's Day Tribute Pt. 10

This tribute is dedicated to a MOM who despite any obstacles and setbacks she don't allow it to get her down. She picks herself up, dust herself off and come back stronger than ever before. She is someone that although we may not be as close as we desire to be we know there is nothing that will keep us apart if need be. She is someone so special that if she down for you she's down for you no questions asked. She has been wronged by many, misunderstood by plenty but no matter what it never affected her heart. She won't hate anyone when done wrong but she will love you from a distance. She knows her worth not only as a woman but as a MOM and that is the greatest thing in the world. When she walks in a room her presences demands attention without her having to speak a word. If you know her you love her and if you don't then you desire to be her. She is a 100% Diva Stallion and you better not say other wise.
This tribute goes to none other than my lovely and beautiful cousin
You bless your kids life
and shield them from strife
You stop their flowing tears
and ease their growing fears
For all that you do
I know they are grateful to you
They adore your kind face
and admire your gentle grace
Let me say for them; Thank You on this Mother's Day
For being their bright, shining radiant ray
You illuminate sunlight
With a character that does what is right
Your kindness towards others
truly defines you as a mother
The productive kids they are today
Is a direct result of your positive ways
Let them learn from you the true reason why
unconditional love will never die.
I wish you many healthy, happy year more
I love you my dear sweet cousin to my core.
and congratulations on your future bundle of joy!!
Crystal, Ky'wan, Kensya

Mother's Day Tribute Pt. 9....Kela Ferrell

This tribute does not come from but was requested by someone who loves someone dearly.
He recognizes the beauty that is on the inside of her as well as the outside. He appreciates all that she has to offer and the hard work and sacrifices that she makes for her daughter to have a great life.
She is a hardworking mother who will do whatever she has to do to take care and protect her daughter
My one rose for my love
One gift sent from heaven above
One MOM of the most beautiful child
One lady to drive my heart wild
One flame to warm me in the deepest cold
One Angel sent here for me to have and to hold
You are one to be treasured
but not as a possession
Who needs to be loved
not treated with aggression
Your value is more than all the world's treasure's
your worth can't even be measured....
From CapitolHome Nick
TaKela, Kia

Mother's Day Tribute Pt. 8

This tribute goes to a lovely lady who has been in my life for a long time and I wouldn't trade her for the world. There were times when I needed to talk and vent and she was there just to listen. She has offered me advice I didn't want but she knew I needed. I know that if times get tough I can call on her and she will be there to help me. Though we no longer talk on a regular basis it still as not changed the relationship we have with each other, she will always be here for me and I will always be here for her. So it's only fair that I dedicate this tribute to the one and only.........
God took the fragrance of a flower
The majesty of a tree
The gentleness of morning dew
The calm of a quiet sea
The beauty of a twilight hour
The soul of a starry night
The laughter off the bubbling brook
The grace of a bird in flight
Then God fashioned from these things
A creation like no other
And when His masterpiece was through
He had created you, a wonderful mother.
There is no love greater than that of a wonderful mom
You give so much of yourself without asking for anything but respect in return. Any kid would be proud to have you as there MOM.
Letisa, Tavarus, Iresha, Ladacious