As we all know there is no such thing as a perfect relationship and if anyone say there is they are lying. A relationship can be all that you make it out to be but the main question is "How Much Can You Endure" meaning how much are you willing to take and how long are you willing to stand by your mate through adversities. The same way relationships are different so are the people that are in them. You see one person may can handle way more than the other but at the same time hold it in better than the other person. Regardless of what is going on everyone has their breaking point at some point or another and they just feel like throwing in the towel, giving up and just walking away from it all. Some people tend to stay because they feel the time they have put it is far more important than walking away and actually being happy, where as others stay because they simple don't want to have to start over so comfort is far better than reality. Then you have those who stay out of guilt because they don't want to hurt the other person with fear of the backlash that it may cause.
Either way it all boils down to "how much can you endure"? One thing I do know is that you should never stay with someone out of guilt because in the end it will do more harm than good, see if the other person found out they may hurt you or themselves and or you could end up living a very lonely and unfulfilled life. Staying with someone out of guilt or pity is never the route to take no matter what the situation is or was. Now if you truly love and you're truly in love with someone then you can and will endure all just to be with that person because only you know if the sacrifices are worth it. But if you truly know in your heart of hearts that you're no longer happy and you can no longer hold on and your ready to let go, and move on then you should really share that with the other person, no need in letting them think other wise and no need in keeping them tied to you when you are no longer tied to them.
Just like anything in life if you can endure the bad and rocky times in your relationship then you will surely enjoy the gain at the end, if you can just hold out. But once again if you truly know in your heart of hearts you're no longer happy and you don't want to be there anymore then getting out will only be the fair thing to do.
Endure the pain, Enjoy the gain.
Yes I know it sounds easy to some and hard to others but if everything worth having came to us so easily then they really wouldn't be worth having now would they..
So no matter what the situation may be just ask yourself "How Much Can I Endure?"
They say LOVE endures all, how true is that?